
Preventative Care

We provide routine oral exams, X-rays, cleanings, sealants, and fluoride treatments. We also assist patients in refining their home care regimens. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, indicates bacterial growth and infection in the gum tissue. In its mild form, known as gingivitis, it is easily reversible. However, if left untreated, it can progress quickly to periodontitis, where the bacteria goes deep below the gum line. This leads to destruction of tissue and bone that anchor your teeth in place. As it progresses, gum recession and tooth loss can occur. We understand the importance of prevention, treatment, and education; you can trust us to help you get back to a healthy, happy smile.

Restorative Dentistry

We offer Composite Fillings, Crowns, Inlays and Onlays, Partial and Complete Dentures, Dental Bridges. Dental fillings are the least invasive restorative treatment available. Composite bonding is used to fill a portion of tooth that is lost, often as a result of tooth decay, mechanical wear, or fracture. Mild to moderate dental decay requires a filling. A dental crown is a tooth shaped cap that covers the tooth. This treatment is needed for damaged, weakened, or broken teeth. Inlays and Onlays are tooth colored porcelain fillings, which are fabricated in the lab and are bonded to the tooth. This bonding process may actually improve the strength of the tooth and is a conservative approach before deciding to place a full coverage crown.

Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer numerous options when it comes to giving you a beautiful smile, such as teeth whitening, tooth colored bonding and fillings, porcelain veneers, and porcelain crowns. Our office uses the fastest, most impressive treatment for in-house teeth whitening with Zoom!, which helps brighten your teeth and make it up to eight shades whiter. We also offer take home options, such as whitening strips, whitening pens, and Zoom! whitening gel with a customized tray.

Porcelain veneers are color matched to give you the perfect shade and then fabricated with the shape and size that will give you a natural look based on your face type. They are super thin shell-like covers attached to the front surface of your teeth. This treatment is the fastest way to achieve a stunning smile.

Implant Dentistry

Dental Implants can be an effective long-term solution to tooth loss. Dental Implants look, feel and function like your natural teeth. Our patients are able to regain the ability to eat and smile with effortless confidence. Placing an implant replaces the root of your tooth since they're biocompatible and offer strength and durability. Their prime benefits are no preparation of adjacent teeth, preservation of bone, maintaining the integrity of facial structure, and superior long-term aesthetics. They are the closest replacement possible to natural teeth.


If you have a misaligned bite or a crooked, crowded, or rotated teeth, you may consider Invisalign clear aligners to improve the beauty of your smiles. Invisalign treatment does more than improve aesthetics. Crooked, crowded teeth are harder to keep clean, which increases your risk of dental decay and gum disease. Also, bite issues can affect your airway, speech, and chewing. Dr. Vyas is a recognized Invisalign Provider and uses custom, clear orthodontic aligner therapy to improve the health and beauty of your smile.


We understand dental emergencies happen! Fall, fracture, accidents or an acute awakening of a dental infection can lead to severe pain and trauma. We try our best to offer same-day appointments or will do our best to accommodate you as soon as we can. Our efficient and friendly staff are here to help you when you need us the most!